Beyond Functional Medicine: A New Approach to Healing

Years ago, when I was practicing family medicine, I began noticing a troubling trend: more and more patients came to me with vague, system-wide complaints—everything from chronic fatigue and headaches to chronic pain. Despite thorough blood work and referrals to specialists, their results often came back normal. Yet, these patients continued to suffer, with no […]
Unlocking Health with Advanced Biofeedback: Techniques, Tools, and Insights for Comprehensive Patient Care

Biofeedback is simply a way to retrieve information from the body. This, combined with a thorough history and physical exam, standard blood work, functional medicine testing, diagnostics, and other diagnostics, help us to get a more comprehensive view of the patient. Perhaps the oldest form of biofeedback is the EKG, or electrocardiograph, which gives precise measurements of the heart. From this, we […]