Our bodies represent a vast interconnected network of cells, nerves, and tissues. Cells operate on both electrical and biochemical activity. Think of a nerve cell. It has potentially hundreds if not thousands of connections to other cells.  Within milliseconds they can respond to stressors and communicate to a vast network of other surrounding cells. In this way, the body can be thought of as an electrical system. Of course, you cannot ‘see’ electricity like you can see skin, bone, hair, etc.


There are hundreds, if not thousands, of channels that run through the body called Meridians. Used for 5,000 years, the meridian system is the system that is accessed with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and can be thought of as a representation of the nervous system.

There are twenty-one (21) basic MSA Meridians (classical TCM has 14 points), each corresponding to the major organs and glands of the body.  Along each of these Meridians, there are many Acupuncture “Points.”  Each acupuncture point will correspond to either a specific gland or various tissues connected with a certain organ.  All totaled, there are hundreds of different points located along the basic twenty-one Meridians.  This Energetic System is an intricate map that is consistently identical in every man and woman.


A representation of the main meridians is called ‘The Triple Burner Meridian’, well known to TCM. This meridian is responsible for the movement and transformation of various solids and fluids throughout the system, as well as for the production and circulation of nourishing and protective energy. It is a functional energy system, involved in regulating the activities of other organs, composed of three parts, known as ‘burners’, located in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis:

First developed by Dr. Reinhardt Voll MD, in the 1940s, Electrical Acupuncture (EAV) or Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA)  is a non-invasive biofeedback method for assessing stressed or weakened organs and tissues. Similar to how each human fingerprint is unique, every substance known to man has an oscillation or a vibrational signature.  Bacteria, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, etc.. have an energetic fingerprint that can be detected and measured using a computerized ohmmeter to measure skin resistance at different acupuncture points on the body.




A probe like a device can be used to check for stress organs or tissues.  This method allowed one organ or substance to be measured at a time, but the technology has evolved dramatically over the years to include very accurate and thorough assessments in a very short period of time.


Using a scale of 1-100, if an organ or substance is weak, it will register a value of under 45 or under. The color is yellow and usually represents a chronic issue.  If an organ is stressed, it will register a value of over 55 and will register a red color.  This means the problem is generally more acute. If it is not weakened or stressed, there is no ‘resonance’ and the value would register ‘normal’ between 45 and 55. The result is green.

Over the years this technology has become much more advanced and automated,  with the ability to scan the body for various thousands of potential stressors within minutes, using a database of over 40,000 homeopathic, nutritional, herbal, and other remedies. With this capability, it is possible to check compatibility for potentially hundreds if not thousands of different herbs and supplements. Imagine going into a health food store and being handed the supplements or nutrients that most agreed with you! It is also possible to see what substances such as bacteria, viruses, toxins, foods, or other substances could be potential stressors for the body and what can be done to balance those stressors.

Meridian Stress Analysis is a next-generation way to assess the complexity of the body. However,  this technology is far from perfect. Similar to how a mechanic uses a computer to scan an engine for problems, he still uses his hands and experience to assess the problem. Similarly, we prefer to use manual techniques over computerized ones.

These technologies encompass a larger philosophy and practice of European Biological Medicine. Using automated systems as well as neural biofeedback techniques, we can determine deep-rooted issues and how to resolve them.  Using this integrative approach has given us special tools as we strive to get patients better who are struggling with complex chronic health challenges.

Please note that Meridian Stress Analysis is not intended for medical diagnosis and treatment and is only FDA-approved for biofeedback purposes. Nevertheless, it can be an adjunctive assessment tool along with a thorough medical history and exam, blood work, functional laboratory testing, and neural biofeedback. This, combined with imaging and other medical assessments, provides a more thorough understanding of the very complex nature of a person’s illness. The art of healing is combining all these modalities and prioritizing treatments to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

For more information, please contact Martin Van Lear, FNP-C, at






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