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Welcome to Tree Of Light

With over 40+ Years of Experience and providing reliable, trustworthy and experienced Holistic Doctors in Atlanta, GA we at Tree of Light want to be the shining light when it comes to your health and happiness. We provide a variety of affordable treatments that are sure to give you long lasting relief and comfort.

OUR MISSION: Our mission is to guide others toward genuine healing by blending traditional, functional, and holistic medical approaches. With Chronic health Challenges being some of the major concerns for people, we want to be the solution to that in Atlanta, GA


About Martin Van Lear, BS,

I had great health until I reached college. Out of nowhere, I started battling relentless fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. My insomnia was overpowering, resisting all my attempts at resolution, including counseling, meditation, yoga, diet changes, and other interventions. I consulted numerous doctors, herbalists, and acupuncturists, but my sleep remained elusive. Frustrated, I turned to antidepressants and sleeping pills, only to find myself feeling sedated without relief.
My turning point arrived when extensive research hinted at my mercury amalgam dental fillings as the possible culprit. It made sense because my health took a nosedive after dental work. I shared this suspicion with my doctor, who reluctantly agreed to test my blood for mercury. Surprisingly, the results were negative. Driven by my intuition and research, I decided to have my fillings removed by a local holistic dentist. Within weeks of this change, my anxiety lessened, my sleep improved, and my overall well-being returned.

This became a 10-year journey that motivated me to explore the realms of functional, integrative, and holistic medicine. Along the way, I was inspired by friends and family who, like me, had faced perplexing health issues that conventional medicine couldn’t unravel. These conditions ranged from anxiety, joint pain, headaches, and stomach problems to more complex ailments like autoimmune diseases and Parkinson’s disease. This journey led me to seek a way to genuinely heal people, not just alleviate symptoms. My greatest reward now is witnessing my patients’ quality of life improve.

About Charis
Branson, LMT, MMQ, RM 

I have dedicated decades of my life to the field of alternative health, and my journey began as a massage therapist and reflexologist. However, I became increasingly frustrated when clients would return week after week with the same persistent pain issues. It became clear to me that if I truly wanted to facilitate healing, I needed to explore beyond the realms of muscle and connective tissue.

As a result, I embarked on a transformative path, becoming a Reiki Master and Master of Medical Qigong. These modalities provided me with invaluable insights and healing experiences. Nevertheless, I recognized their limitations in a society that often requires tangible evidence and concrete results to commit to a particular approach.
I consciously decided to shift away from bodywork and dive deep into personality psychology. I understood the profound impact of helping individuals gain self-awareness, yet I still encountered challenges as some people clung to limiting beliefs and detrimental behavior patterns.

Then, a profound transformation occurred when I discovered Supreme Release Yoga. Together with plant medicine, it transformed my life and profoundly affected my physical and mental well-being. I learned to surrender to not only my journey but everyone else’s.
Throughout my journey, I’ve been fortunate to find employment opportunities that align with my personal growth, and I am deeply honored to be a part of Tree of Light Health.

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Do you find yourself pondering a myriad of questions about your health? From hormone imbalances to gut issues, nutritional deficiencies, and even concerns about Lyme disease, mold, or heavy metals…? The list can seem endless.

At Tree of Light Health in Atlanta, we understand that exploring each of these questions can consume both time and resources. Our promise is to help you efficiently and affordably uncover the root causes of your chronic health challenges, so you can progress on your healing journey.

With Tree of Light Health, you’ll experience a compassionate and holistic approach that blends Traditional, Biological, Functional, and Integrative Medicine. Our commitment is to provide honest and responsive care, with patient visits typically lasting 1-4 hours. Let’s embark on your path to well-being together!

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