Understanding and Treating Interference Fields: The Key to Resolving Chronic Health Issues

What is an interference field?

Dr. Ferdinand Hueneke and Dr. Walter Hueneke created the term “interference field,” meaning pathologically damaged tissue that becomes electro-chemically abnormal.  When an injury/trauma occurs, that area can become an interference field if the body is nutritionally deficient or the body’s immune system is compromised.  An interference field is an area of the body that has weakened (depolarized) due to stress or trauma.  The damaged cells are susceptible to accumulating both environmental and metabolic toxins.  These toxins can block the normal energy flow of the nerve and meridian network of the body.  In addition to the build-up of waste products and blocked energy flow, these traumatized areas also have a reduced flow of nutrients.  Thus, interference fields can cause an area of stagnation where waste products, heavy metals, free radicals, infection, etc., can accumulate, preventing healing and short-circuiting the body’s energy flow. You can think of these areas as short circuits, which are constantly alarming. Similar to how it is difficult to hear someone in a crowded room, these circuit disruptions create a background ‘noise’ that confuses nearby cells and keeps the autonomic nervous system in a dysregulated state.

Common Stressors/Trauma that can Create Interference Fields

  • LYMPH NODES: Tonsilar, Cervical Ganglia, Inguinal, etc.

  • SINUS CAVITIES: Frontal and maxillary sinuses can harbor chronic infectious bacteria, viruses, and retroviruses.

  • NECK VEINS: Can harbor chronic infectious agents: Bacteria, Viruses, Retroviruses, and Biofilms.

  • SCARS: surgical, internal, traumatic, puncture areas (epidural, spinal tap, vaccination, acupuncture, etc.), acne/chickenpox/insect bites, etc.

  • TRAUMATIZED AREAS: whiplash, sprains/strains, smashing injuries, concussions, burns, skin grafts, numb areas, bruises.

  • VARIOUS ORGANS: such as different parts of the brain: Midbrain, Pons, Medulla,  Liver, and various other organs and tissues.

  • ABNORMAL BODY AREAS:  any area that does not heal in a reasonable amount of time or has abnormal sensations, i.e., chronic itching, burning, tingling, cold.



  • METAL INSIDE THE BODY: pins, plates, staples, mesh, dental restorations, and fillings.

  • INJECTION SITES: Dental, neural therapy, IV drips, drugs, and vitamins

  • DENTAL AND GUM AREAS:  hidden decay/infection under dental restorations, toxins exuding from root canals,* cavitations in tooth extraction sites.

*Root Canals: Root-treated teeth are among the frequent interference fields. They often are chronic foci of inflammation, which can lead to problems in the mouth and other parts of the body.

Many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, allergies, inflammatory intestinal diseases, Crohn’s disease, rheumatologic diseases, and autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, but also psychological problems can massively be intensified through harmful interference fields in the mouth – due to their negative immunomodulation to the whole organism.

Chronic inflammations in the jawbone are often the result of not well-healed extraction wounds. The bone is exposed to a fatty-degenerative change, and poisonous and harmful inflammatory substances are formed (cytokines). These can cause chronic fatigue, skin and intestinal problems, or joint pain.

Why are unresolved interference fields a problem?

Chronic interference fields not only block energy and nutrient flow directly at the site of trauma but, over time, may also reflex to distant body sites to create unintended sedation of energy flow to key organs and glands (“Splatter effect”).  Interference fields can “short” circuit the body’s wiring system, causing meridian stagnation that may manifest as pain, fatigue, physiological problems, and much more.  These hidden reflex sites caused by the interference field are frequently the real root cause of a person’s chief complaint. Removal of these IFs and restoring the biofield/meridian flow is essential to achieve ultimate physical and mental well-being.

How are interference fields identified and cleared?

Interference fields can be identified using advanced biofeedback techniques such as Autonomic Response Technique (ART), which allows for the identification of areas in the body’s biofield that have reduced or blocked energy flow.

Interference fields short circuit the body’s energy flow.  It is important to clear the “short “ in the circuit to re-establish energy flow and allow for proper infusion of nutrients, and removal of waste products.   Once energy flow to the affected area and its circuit are restored, waste products can be cleared from the area and nutrients can get in to nourish tissues.

Dr. Klinghardt, Ph.D. MD teaches Neural Therapy, which resolves various interference fields using a series of procaine injections over disturbed tissue areas.  While this technique is very effective, these injections can be somewhat time-consuming and also involve some discomfort. We use a special laser that uses scalar energy waves to reset the tissues energetically without injections or needles to avoid these issues. This energetic acupuncture can reset disrupted tissues back to their original state, sometimes in seconds.

We have found that treating interference fields this way can help unblock various tissues and organs that keep patients in chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation. Therefore, from our experience,  it is a critical process to healing from chronic conditions and getting ‘unstuck.’’ For more information or to set up an evaluation to see if interference fields impact your chronic condition, please contact us for further information.

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