
Looking for specific information or research? Search our site below for articles, blogs or content that may cover your questions

Looking for specific information or research?

Do you find yourself pondering a myriad of questions about your health? From hormone imbalances to gut issues, nutritional deficiencies, and even concerns about Lyme disease, mold, or heavy metals…? The list can seem endless.

At Tree of Light Health in Atlanta, we understand that exploring each of these questions can consume both time and resources. Our promise is to help you efficiently and affordably uncover the root causes of your chronic health challenges, so you can progress on your healing journey.

With Tree of Light Health, you’ll experience a compassionate and holistic approach that blends Traditional, Biological, Functional, and Integrative Medicine. Our commitment is to provide honest and responsive care, with patient visits typically lasting 1-4 hours. Let’s embark on your path to well-being together!

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