Rising Environmental Toxins and Their Impact on Thyroid Health: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Holistic Treatments

As the level of toxicity increases in the environment, thyroid disorders are increasingly common.

Symptoms of low thyroid function may include:

  • low energy

  • depression/anxiety

  • inability to concentrate or memory problems

  • cold intolerance

  • poor digestion, constipation, etc.

  • sleep disorders-either sleeping too much or too little

  • brittle nails

  • hair loss

  • low libido

Unfortunately, thyroid disorders are often missed by standard medical care. Testing is often limited, such as TSH, which has limited value when trying for conditions as complex as thyroid disorders. However, functional thyroid testing can often reveal functional imbalances in the thyroid, such as autoimmune thyroid and subclinical hypothyroidism. When these disorders are treated, energy levels increase, sleep improves, and often patients can come off other medications like antidepressants. Sometimes, thyroid medications are not needed, and the thyroid needs to be supported nutritionally with nutrients such as iodine, selenium, and L-tyrosine.

Ubiquitous toxins such as glyphosate and heavy metals can affect the thyroid, and if present, a comprehensive detox plan is often beneficial.

A common problem with the thyroid is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or autoimmune thyroid, often linked to Leaky Gut Syndrome, a condition where proteins can leak out into the bloodstream. When this happens through molecular mimicry, the immune system inappropriately tags these proteins as foreign. Some of these proteins resemble the thyroid tissue, and autoimmune thyroid can result. Therefore, strict avoidance of gluten and meat is often necessary to resolve Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, as well as a comprehensive gut healing program.

Mold toxicity can hurt the thyroid, and if suspected, functional mycotoxin testing is needed.

The mitochondria and the adrenals are often involved in thyroid health. Therefore, support in these areas is often warranted.

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