The role that jawbone cavitations play in chronic illness

Jawbone cavitations, particularly following wisdom tooth extractions, are increasingly being studied for their potential to harbor infections and trigger systemic health issues. This problem can arise when the periodontal ligament—the connective tissue that holds the tooth in place—is not completely removed during extraction, leaving behind a space where bacteria can thrive. This leads to what […]

Beyond Functional Medicine: A New Approach to Healing

Years ago, when I was practicing family medicine, I began noticing a troubling trend: more and more patients came to me with vague, system-wide complaints—everything from chronic fatigue and headaches to chronic pain. Despite thorough blood work and referrals to specialists, their results often came back normal. Yet, these patients continued to suffer, with no […]

What is a Holistic Doctor? Understanding Their Role in Health & Wellness

What does a holistic doctor do

A holistic doctor treats you using a whole-body approach. They focus on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being, all considered during the diagnostic and treatment processes. In addition to conventional medical care, holistic practitioners consider your unique circumstances, including your food, sleep patterns, stress levels, and way of life. Holistic Approach to Healing At […]

Understanding Adrenal Dysfunction: Causes, Misdiagnoses, and Advanced Treatment Options

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidney and receive input from the pituitary. They are the main producers of adrenaline and cortisol, necessary for a healthy stress response. Unfortunately, over time, usually due to chronic stress, toxicity exposure, and other factors, these glands can become stressed and produce too much cortisol or too little.

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