What is a Holistic Doctor? Understanding Their Role in Health & Wellness

A holistic doctor treats you using a whole-body approach. They focus on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being, all considered during the diagnostic and treatment processes. In addition to conventional medical care, holistic practitioners consider your unique circumstances, including your food, sleep patterns, stress levels, and way of life. Holistic Approach to Healing At […]
Unlocking Chronic Illness Recovery: The Crucial Role of Detox and Avoiding Environmental Toxins

One common denominator we have seen across the current epidemic of chronic illness is toxicity. There are approximately 86,000 man-made chemicals in the environment. Every time you eat, drink water (yes, even filtered water), take a shower, or breathe in the air, you’re getting exposed to toxins. They hide out in your system and accumulate […]
Unraveling Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS): Understanding Its Impact on Chronic Illness and Biotoxin Exposure

CIRS (or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) should be considered in any patient suffering from chronic illness who suffers from multiple symptoms, especially fatigue. These patients typically have seen numerous doctors in various specialties, including holistic modalities.
The Hidden Dangers of Heavy Metal Exposure: Understanding Risks, Symptoms, and Detoxification Methods

Multiple heavy metals exist in the earth’s crust, and the myriad undertakings of human activities result in practically everyone being exposed to these elements in the air, water, and food supply.
Rising Environmental Toxins and Their Impact on Thyroid Health: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Holistic Treatments

As the level of toxicity increases in the environment, thyroid disorders are increasingly common. Symptoms of low thyroid function may include: low energy, depression/anxiety, inability to concentrate or memory problems, cold intolerance, poor digestion, constipation, low libido, etc.
The Growing Threat of Autoimmune Diseases: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Holistic Treatment Approaches

Fifty million Americans have one or more autoimmune diseases, and that number is rising. That is one in 5 Americans! An often underdiagnosed disorder, it has been shown that it takes an average of 20 doctors to get a diagnosis of autoimmune disease.
Understanding Adrenal Dysfunction: Causes, Misdiagnoses, and Advanced Treatment Options

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidney and receive input from the pituitary. They are the main producers of adrenaline and cortisol, necessary for a healthy stress response. Unfortunately, over time, usually due to chronic stress, toxicity exposure, and other factors, these glands can become stressed and produce too much cortisol or too little.
Decoding Chronic Fatigue and ME/CFS: Insights into Symptoms, Causes, and Innovative Treatments

Chronic fatigue is defined as any abnormal levels of fatigue lasting longer than six months.
A Comprehensive Guide to Detoxification: Understanding Toxins and Implementing Effective Detox Strategies

Toxicity is one of the main reasons why some of you may be experiencing functional problems like insomnia, brain fog, headaches, fatigue, gut issues (leaky gut, food allergies, IBS, SIBO, etc.), autoimmune disease, thyroid and/or hormonal problems, and neurological disease (ADD, depression, Parkinson’s, etc.).
Addressing the Invisible Threat: Understanding the Impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) on Health and Wellbeing

Since the advent of Microwave radiation, we have seen an explosion of Chronic Illness, especially in neurological diseases: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS, etc. Childhood Autism, Fatigue, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, etc.